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Confrontation With Evil: An In-Depth Review of The 1949 Possession That Inspired The Exorcist
Conversations With The Goddess
Cosmic Trigger III: My Life After Death
Crowning Clinton: Why Hillary Shouldn't Be In The White House
Dark Star Rising: Magick And Power In The Age Of Trump
David Ferrie
Dr. Feelgood: The Shocking Story of The Doctor Who May Have Changed History By Treating And Drugging JFK, Marilyn, Elvis, And Other Prominent Figures
Dr. Mary's Monkey
Faeries, Angels, Indians And Aliens
Final Judgment - The Missing Link In The JFK Assassination Conspiracy - Volumes 1 & 2
Flowers In The Blood: The Story of Opium
Fountain of Fairytales: A Scholarly Romp Through The Old Testament
Fraud Upon The Court: Reclaiming The Law, Joyfully
Genesis 6 Giants
George Washington's Secret Six: The Spy Ring That Saved The American Revolution
Ghostly Pets, Phantom Felines And Haunted Hounds
Ghosts, Spirits, & Hauntings: Am I Being Haunted?
Growling Tiger, Roaring Dragon: India, China And The New World Order
Healthy Eating For Kids: Teaching Your Child To Eat Healthy In A Fast Food World
Immortality of The Gods: Legends, Mysteries, And The Alien Connection To Eternal Life
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